News on computers, the internet and emerging technology
Frequently updated technology news from around the world
Lists of links that pertain to many topics including technology
Current changes in business-related technology
Source for technology conferences, seminars and trade shows
News and articles on business technology
Trends and information about business technology development
News and reports on e-commerce
IRS e-file program for filing of tax returns
New York State e-file program for electronic filing of tax returns
Frequently updated information for technology professionals
News, articles and other information for technology professionals
Research, news and alerts for security professionals and systems and network administrators
Security and privacy information regarding developing technologies
Articles, news and alerts regarding internet security
XML for Accountants
Eric Cohen's all-about XBRL and XML site
Official site of the XBRL Committee
TheBroadBandHome.com is an informative website for those that
need general information on the Broadband industry.
This website details the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the U. S. Department
of Justice.
This site offers hundreds of links in subjects like estate planning, Elder Law, Offshore Trusts and International
Law, IRA Employee Benefits, Financial Calculators, Newsletters and much, much more.
Keane, Inc.
Keane, Inc. helps Global 2000 companies and government agencies plan, build, and manage application software to optimize business performance.
National Association for the Exchange of Industrial Resources
Find out how your firm or clients can provide schools, churches and other groups with valuable resources while claiming a substantial deduction on their donations when you visit
NAEIR's official website.
Techweb's Techcalendar
Whether you want to be up-to-speed on the latest software or digital equipment or find out how the Internet will enhance your firm's offerings, all you have to do to find
the right conference, trade show or seminar is look it up on the Techcalendar.
CIT Management Resources Tutorial
Evaluating Websites, Searching Tutorials & Tips, and Other Internet Links
iOS Developer Library - Learn how to develop Apple apps.
MIT App Inventor - An easy to use web browser application that makes Android apps.
Code.org - A non-profit dedicated to growing computer science education by making it available in more schools. This site contains many learning and teaching resources.
Codecademy - Interactive beginner courses for JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, Python, and Ruby, Web design, APIs, and more.
CodingBat - Coding exercises for JAVA and Python.
Google Code University - Includes a course catalog with some free classes on computer, mobile, and web development. Also includes development tools.
Blocky - A visual programming editor that uses coding blocks.
Crunchy - Interactive Python tutorials.
Learnstreet - Interactive beginner courses for JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. Teachers can use the site to build courses for students.
Learn to Code the Hard Way - Free online versions of the C, Python, Ruby, Regex, and SQL books.
Microsoft Visual Studio Resources - Tutorials and other resources for Visual Studio. The getting started section includesprogramming language tutorials.
Python - Official site with a beginner's guide, documentation, help section, community, and more.
Ruby - Official site with documentation, getting started, community, and more.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML and CSS
HTML Dog - HTML, CSS, and Javascript tutorials and references.
Mozilla Developer's Network - Learn CSS, HTML, and Javascript. Also find demos, documentation, and other educational resources.
Ruby on Rails - Online version of the how-to book. Ruby on Rails is an open source web development framework.
W3Schools - Learn how to create a website with references, tutorials, and try-it-yourselfs that cover CSS, HTML, Javascript, Server Scripts, Asp.net, web server scripts, web building, and XML.
Web credibility articles & resources - Articles on how to create a website that is credible to customers.
Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc. - Extensive but easy to use list of links divided by subject.
CNET - Tech product news, reviews, and videos.
CSERD: Computer Science Education Reference Desk - Browse or search activities, algorithms, applications, architecture, code libraries, courses, models, and tutorials.
Computerworld - News, Education & Headlines - Geared towards IT professionals.
Cyberculture Links: Voices of the Shuttle
Howstuffworks "Computer Channel"
Internet Public Library: Computers & Internet
Computer Hardware Links
Computer & Internet Associations
Computer & Internet News
Computer Literacy Links
Computer Platform Links
Computer Science Links
Computer Software Links
Cyberculture Links
History of Computers & Internet Links
Internet Related Links
Programming Links
System Administration Links
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Data Gateway - A collection of free scientific and technical databases.
NIST Information Technology Portal
The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary
Technical Cyber Security Alerts - From the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team.
Technology Review - MIT's award-wining website on emerging technologies.
TechXtra - An engineering, mathematics, and computing search engine that searches 31 collections for "articles, books, the best websites, latest industry news, job announcements, technical reports, technical data, full text eprints, the latest research, thesis & dissertations, teaching and learning resources and more".
Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms and Definitions
Wired News - Computer and technology news in business, entertainment, medicine, politics, and culture. Updated daily.
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
CSERD: Computer Science Education Reference Desk
Ensemble - Pathway to communities and resources for computer science education.
Shodor: National Resource for Computer Science Education
BSD-derived systems
Plan 9 , a research operating system from Bell Laboratories
RTEMS, a Real Time Executive available in C and Ada
www.cybercrime.gov - U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section
CERT® Coordination Centre - The first computer security incident response team
www.officer.com - The world's most popular law enforcement web site. Professional Association Directory
Ahtcc.gov.au - Australian High Tech Crime Centre
www.cpkn.ca - Canadian Police Knowledge Network
IFW - Internet Fraud - Internet Fraud Watch
Internet Crime Complaint Centre (IC3) - IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime.
Computer Crime Research Centre
Cprogramming.com - A good site for beginners who want to learn C++, with a nice set of tutorials and a very good, active message board. This site is well-maintained and updated, so it is easy to learn and navigate.
The Code Project - A well written site with an expansive, active message-board system and a large number of articles on many specific programming topics. Although it is aimed towards more experienced programmers, it also has many beginner's articles.
Mark Watson's Loving Lisp - the Savy Programmer's Secret Weapon - LISP (List Processing) is an often-used language for AI because of its recursive nature and small number of data-structures. This free book on the internet (it's supported by small donations) is a very handy introduction to this unique language (this book covers the Common Lisp variation). It comes in a 330 KB Zip file.
The Programmer's Heaven - With many files to download, a very extensive list of links, and a very active message board, it is what the name declares: a programmer's heaven, especially for the beginners looking for information.
C++-Home - A great site with large databases of C++ resources, including tutorials, source code, and links. The site also has programming contests and a set of C++ forums on programming topics from Algorithms to Windows/Unix programming.
Computer Programming Resources - A list of resources for computer programming.
Links to Online Algorithms Resources - A nice collection to a variety of important and interesting algorithms from several fields, including encryption and genetic algorithms
Free Online Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC) - A great dictionary for looking-up those strange terms that you may come across while reading about Computer Science and AI. It has entries of everything from recursion to finite-state machines, and the entries have full definitions that are extremely understandable. A very handy reference.
NIST Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems - This site defines just about any term you will come across while studying computer science and artificial intelligence. Although sometimes it can be a bit cryptic and terse, overall, it can be quite helpful in understanding the complex jargon of computer science and AI.
AboutAI.net - A portal to AI, with hundreds of articles and links on topics ranging from Artificial Life and Cellular Automata to Game AI, Fuzzy Logic, Information Retrieval, Robotics, and Web Agents. The site is very easy to navigate, making it a great way to find specific information as well as general introductions to AI. The site also has a forum and a chat room.
CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository - CMU's collection of FAQ's is an excellent source of information about AI. Although the site is not as easy to navigate as some of the others are, the FAQ's are easy to understand and read (for the most part).
ELIZA on the Web - An adaptation of one of the most famous demonstrations of "Robot Intellect," this program was designed to participate in a Turing Test type situation. Apparently, some people were fooled by it! Try it out! It's fun!
Generation 5 - A very helpful site full of well-written essays on AI, everything from the theoretical to the technical and specific. The site also has some downloadable files, many of which are compiled programs that can demonstrate certain algorithms. Although the essays are often very technical and specific, the site is still a great place for beginners to learn about AI.
Kurzweil AI - A fun site, with flashy graphics and demos. This site is more weighted towards philosophy and doesn't have much technical information, so it should be easy for anyone to read. Beware, however, because this site is a bit media heavy, and so it might take a long time to load on a slow interments connection.
Mark Watson's "Practical AI Programming in Java" - A great free book on the internet (it's supported by small donations). It covers the basics of AI programming, such as Searching algorithms (like the alpha-beta algorithm), Neural Networks, the Genetic Algorithm, and Natural Language Processing. It comes with lots of Java source code, so it's quite good to learn from. Go download the book!! (It is a 1.1 megabyte Zip file.)
PC AI - A bimonthly online magazine that has many articles on AI and Neural Networking. You can order this magazine for a fairly low price, and they offer a free sample issue as well. The real goldmine, however, is the online directory that PC AI has. It contains not only links to online sites and vendors for a wide range of AI topics, but also lists of books and papers written on those topics. For any serious researcher, this site is surely one of the most valuable resources available.
Will's AI Articles - An informative group of articles written by Will Dwinnel, a speaker and programmer who has had much first-hand experience with Neural Networks and AI. The articles are a bit technical, so they are not for the uninitiated, but for those that have some experience already, the articles will be quite valuable.
Yahoo AI Group - This is basically a message-board community, but it is very good for asking questions about AI, since it's centred mostly around beginners.
AI Forge - A nice site with a huge collection of links to AI and game-programming/game AI sites. There are also lot of links to artificial life and bots.
GameAI.com - A large site maintained by an experienced game programmer. It has a hundreds of links to online resources, as well as archived discussions on many game AI programming topics. Beginners might find it bewildering, but for those who are familiar with programming, it is a great guide to finding the information you need.
Gamedev.net AI Resources - Although it is mainly focused on gaming, this site also has many articles and links to resources on general topics as well. An excellent place to look for information on programming AI into games.
Machine Learning in Games - A good place to find information on programming Go, Chess, and other games as well. It's a nice starting point for research, and should be quite interesting for beginners as well.
Chess AI
François Dominic Laramée's Chess Programming Articles. These are a great introduction to Chess programming, and very extensive. It is easy to read and not very technical at all, perfect for the beginner. They come in 6 separate parts:
AGA Computer Go Page - Hosted by the American Go Association, this page is full of information about Go programming, from sample games between people and computers to analyses about computer program strengths and weaknesses.
Computer Go Mailing List - This mailing list is mostly for programmers working on actual programs. It discusses many of the problems that developers have to deal with in making Go programs.
Evolving Go Playing Strategy in Neural Networks - A paper in PDF format about the usefulness of Neural Networks and the Genetic Algorithm in Go programs, which are mostly knowledge databases and classical AI. An interesting discussion, but maybe a bit technical for the uninitiated.
Machine Learning, Game Playing, and Go - A paper in Postscript format about the relationship between Machine Learning and Go, with analyses on a wide variety of commercial Go programs. It is quite interesting for anyone interested in programming Go. (The link is to a zip file, and the zip file contains the postscript file).
Michael Reiss's Computer Go Page - An informative page by the creator of Go4++, one of the the top computer Go playing programs in the world. This page has links to many other internet resources on Go programming.
Adaptive Technology Resource Center
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre at the
University of Toronto advances accessible information technology through
research, development, education, proactive design consultation and direct
Speech-Language-Hearing Association
The American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association (ASHA) is the professional, scientific, and credentialing
association for more than 103,000 audiologists, speech-language pathologists,
and speech, language, and hearing scientists.; ASHA's mission is to ensure that
all people with speech, language, and hearing disorders have access to quality
services to help them communicate more effectively.
Bobby is a
web-based public service offered by the Center for Applied Special Technology that
analyzes web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities as well
as their compatibility with various browsers.
California State
University Northridge Center on Disabilities
The CSUN Center on
Disabilities sponsors annually a major conference on technology and persons with
Center for Applied
Special Technology
CAST is an educational, not-for-profit organization
that uses technology to expand opportunities for all people, including those
with disabilities.
COST 219
Information Resource Manager
The main objective of the Action COST 219
bis is to increase the availability of telecommunication services and equipment
so that they are accessible to elderly people and people with disabilities. COST
is a framework for scientific and technical co-operation in Europe. The main
aspect is a co-ordination of the national research on an European level. COST
Actions consist of basic and precompetitive research as well as activities of
public utility.
Department of
Defense Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program
The CAP Office serves
the Department of Defense by buying accommodations to make computer and
telecommunications systems accessible to employees with disabilities; funding
sign language interpreters, readers, and personal assistants for employees
attending long term training; providing expertise in solving accessibility
problems through the use of software, hardware, and other assistive technology;
and providing training and educational support. As of FY 2001, the CAP is also
authorized to purchase assistive technology for agencies outside the Department
of Defense -- particularly small agencies -- upon written request by the Agency
Disability &
Business Technical Assistance Centers
Funded by NIDRR, the Disability
Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs) provide information, materials,
technical assistance and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
to employers, persons with disabilities and other entities with responsibilities
under the ADA.; The national toll-free number, 1-800-949-4232 V/TTY,
automatically routes calls to the closest Center.
National Science and
Technology Education Partnership
NSTEP is dedicated to developing
tomorrow's technology leaders through a variety of programs and services for
students, the educational community and corporations interested in advancing
science and technology education.
Equal Access to
Software and Information
This site specializes in information on access
to electronic media for persons with sight impairments. There are links to other
sites with similar concerns, including the Trace Center.
Telecommunications Standards Institute
The youngest of the three European
standards making bodies, recognized by the European Council of Ministers, ETSI
was set up in 1988 to set standards for Europe in telecommunications and the
related fields of broadcasting and office information technology.
Federal Information
Technology Accessibility Initiative
The Federal Information Technology
Accessibility Initiative (FITAI) is an interagency effort, coordinated by GSA,
to offer technical assistance and to provide an informal means of cooperation
and sharing of information on implementation of Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act, which requires access to electronic and information
technology in the Federal sector.
Relay Service
The Federal Relay Service (FRS) provides telecommunications
services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have speech
disabilities in communicating and conducting business with employees in the
federal government. FRS provides domestic and international coverage to the
public and to federal agency personnel seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Gallaudet is the world's only university for deaf and hard of
hearing undergraduate students. Graduate degree programs and continuing
education courses are available to deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students.
Infinitec is a non-profit corporation, working in cooperation with
United Cerebral Palsy Association, to provide information on assistive
Information Technology
Technical Assistance and Training Center (ITTATC)
ITTATC promotes the
creation, use and dissemination of accessible telecommunications and information
technology (IT) by providing technical assistance, training and information.
Established in November 2000 by the Georgia Institute of Technology with funding
from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR),
the ITTATC will work with a broad constituency to: collaborate with stakeholders
to improve the awareness and availability of accessible IT and
telecommunications products and services; coordinate and create educational
materials for diverse stakeholder groups that include designers, managers,
marketers, purchasers, and consumers of IT and telecommunications products and
services; and disseminate information, training and resources to improve
industry awareness, advance practical solutions, and create opportunities for
innovation and change.
Infrared Data Association
IrDA sets standards for infrared data transmission, such as the
transmission of codes and data between a refreshable Braille machine and a
telecommunications device.
Braille and Technology Center for the Blind
A comprehensive evaluation,
demonstration, and training technology center which contains over $2 million
worth of speech and Braille technology.
International Coalition
of Access Engineers and Specialists
ICAES is an organization of
individuals and organizations dedicated to researching, developing and deploying
communication and information technologies that are accessible to persons with
Information on Visual Disabilities
This web site is an information
resource for professionals who work in the field of visual disabilities. The
site is designed as a worldwide resource and provides information on devices,
research and development, sources of funding for research and agencies serving
people who are blind.
International Telecommunications
The ITU, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is an international
organization within which governments and the private sector coordinate global
telecom networks and services.
Media Access
The Media Access Group is a project of WGBH, the Boston PBS
station. It has developed guidelines for making media, including Web pages,
accessible and promotes use of the web access symbol on accessible Web
Information Standards Organization
NISO develops and promotes technical
standards used in a wide variety of information services, including file
specifications for digital talking books. NISO is a nonprofit association
accredited as a standards developer by the American National Standards
Institute, the national clearinghouse for voluntary standards development in the
Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America
RESNA is an interdisciplinary association for the advancement of
rehabilitation and assistive technologies (AT).
Section 508 requires that Federal agencies' electronic and
information technology is accessible to people with disabilities. The Center for
Information Technology Accommodation (CITA), in the U.S. General Services
Administration's Office of Governmentwide Policy, has been charged with the task
of educating Federal employees and building the infrastructure necessary to
support Section 508 implementation. Using this web site, Federal employees and
the public can access resources for understanding and implementing the
requirements of Section 508.
Telecommunications Industry Association
(TIA) Access
TIA Access, developed by the Telecommunications Industry
Association in conjunction with the Electronic Industries Foundation, serves as
a clearinghouse for important industry and consumer information on accessible
telecommunications technology.
Telematics for
Elderly and Disabled People (TIDE) Project
TIDE is a research program of
the European Commission to collect information on access, especially to
Trace R&D
The Trace Center has information on how to design equipment, World
Wide Web sites, information kiosks, etc. to be accessible.
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent,
not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization. It has
tested products for public safety for more than a century. Each year, more than
14 billion UL Marks are applied to products worldwide.
This site is designed to
provide current and accurate information on how to make Web sites and other user
interfaces more usable, accessible, and useful. Information is provided by the
National Cancer Institute (NCI), the federal government's principal agency for
cancer research. The site also links to a variety of quality Web sites and
resources on usability, accessibility, and related topics that exist in the
The Wave
is a free Web-based tool that helps users identify page components that should
be checked for accessibility.
WGBH Media Access Group
The Media Access Croup is a project of WGBH, the Boston PBS station. It
has developed guidelines for making media, including Web pages, accessible and
promotes use of the web access symbol on accessible Web sites.
World Wide Web Consortium
The W3C was founded in 1994 to develop common protocols for the
evolution of the World Wide Web. W3C is an international industry consortium,
jointly hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for
Computer Science [MIT/LCS] in the United States; the Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique [INRIA] in Europe; and the Keio
University Shonan Fujisawa Campus in Asia. W3C recently announced the formation
of the Web Accessibility
Initiative to develop access standards and protocols for the Web.